更改c:.xls中sheet1 E2内容修改为1020 ’先点击 工程-引用Microsoft Excel... Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim xlapp As Excel.Application Dim xlbook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlsheet As Excel.Worksheet Set xlapp = CreateObject(\"excel.application\") Set xlbook = xlapp.Workbooks.Open(\"c:.xls\") S…
1:Step7 Micro/WIN V4.0安装在什么环境下才能正常工作? Step7 Micro/WIN V4.0的安装、运行环境为: Windows 2000 SP3以上 Windows XP Home Windows XP Professional 西门子没有在其他操作系统下测试,不保证能够使用。 2:Step7 Micro/WIN V4.0和其他的版本兼容性…
DCS是分散控制系统(Distributed Control System)的简称,国内一般习惯称为集散控制系统。它是一个由过程控制级和过程监控级组成的以通信网络为纽带的多级计算机系统,综合了计算机(Computer)、通讯(Communication)、显示(CRT)和控制(Control)等4C技术,其…
详细留言:Immediate Attention NeededHi, I found your site on Google and noticed your logo doesn’t fully reflect your brand’s potential.I’d love to help you fix this and create a logo that truly represents your business. I provide personalized service to ensure you're fully satisfied with the final design.If you're interested, reach me here: https://bit.ly/custom-logo-design-andrewOr if you know anyone else who might be interested, please share this with them.Shawn